attack 1attack n. 攻撃, 非難; 着手; 発病, 発作. 【動詞+】 abort an attack 攻撃を中止する anticipate an attack 攻撃を予想する They attempted a night attack. 夜襲を企てた They feared that the convoy would attract a
battle is not only found in frontal attack . 正攻法のみが戦にあらず
up till the end , a frontal attack 最後まで真っ向勝負かよ。
in the battle of liaoyang from august 24th and september 4th , the ija second army mounted a frontal attack from the south , and the ija first army circumscribed a mountainous area in the east and attacked the enemies flank . 8月24日-9月4日の遼陽会戦では、第二軍が南側から正面攻撃をかけ、第一軍が東側の山地を迂回し背後へ進撃した。
against the taira clan , who put their headquarters and set up strong defensive positions at fukuhara , the noriyori army conducted a frontal attack from the east side and heavy fighting took place at ikuta no-mori forest . 福原を本営に強固な防御陣を築いて待ち受ける平氏に対し、範頼軍は東側から正面攻撃を行い、生田の森において激戦が展開された。
the 4th battalion led by kirino and the 5th battalion led by ikegami were to make a frontal attack , and the 1st battalion led by kunimoto shinohara , the 2nd battalion led by shinpachi murata , the kajiki battalion led by shinsuke beppu , and part of the 3rd battalion led by yaichiro nagayama were to make a rear attack . 桐野の第四大隊・池上の第五大隊は正面攻撃、篠原国幹の第一大隊・村田新八の第二大隊・別府晋介の加治木の大隊、及び永山弥一郎の第三大隊の一部は背面攻撃を担当した。