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frontal attack 意味

"frontal attack"の例文


  • frontal attack
  • frontal     frontal 前額部 ぜんがくぶ
  • attack     1attack n. 攻撃, 非難; 着手; 発病, 発作. 【動詞+】 abort an attack 攻撃を中止する
  • make a frontal attack on    正面から攻撃する
  • frontal    frontal 前額部 ぜんがくぶ
  • frontal ...    frontal ... 前頭[医生]
  • attack     1attack n. 攻撃, 非難; 着手; 発病, 発作. 【動詞+】 abort an attack 攻撃を中止する anticipate an attack 攻撃を予想する They attempted a night attack. 夜襲を企てた They feared that the convoy would attract a
  • attack on    ~に対する攻撃{こうげき}
  • attack!    {映画} : 攻撃◆米1956
  • in the attack at    ~への襲撃{しゅうげき}[攻撃{こうげき}]で
  • to attack    to attack 襲い掛かる おそいかかる 討つ 射つ うつ 伐つ うつ 打ち寄せる うちよせる 迎え撃つ むかえうつ 攻め込む せめこむ 攻める せめる 切り込む きりこむ 突く つく つつく 襲う おそう 撃つ うつ
  • frontal ambulacrum    frontal ambulacrum 前歩帯[医生]
  • frontal analysis    前端分析{ぜんたん ぶんせき}
  • frontal angle    前頭角{ぜんとう かく}
  • frontal apron    frontal apron アウトウォッシュプレーン[地球]; フロンタルエプロン[地球]
  • frontal area    前頭野{ぜんとう や}、前面面積{ぜんめん めんせき}


  • battle is not only found in frontal attack .
  • up till the end , a frontal attack
  • in the battle of liaoyang from august 24th and september 4th , the ija second army mounted a frontal attack from the south , and the ija first army circumscribed a mountainous area in the east and attacked the enemies flank .
  • against the taira clan , who put their headquarters and set up strong defensive positions at fukuhara , the noriyori army conducted a frontal attack from the east side and heavy fighting took place at ikuta no-mori forest .
  • the 4th battalion led by kirino and the 5th battalion led by ikegami were to make a frontal attack , and the 1st battalion led by kunimoto shinohara , the 2nd battalion led by shinpachi murata , the kajiki battalion led by shinsuke beppu , and part of the 3rd battalion led by yaichiro nagayama were to make a rear attack .
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